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Delicious Fare at L.C.Cakes & Bakes

Broadbiz are launching sites like this all the time but some just look more beautiful than others. So often that is down to the subject matter.

Let's be honest, it's much nicer looking at pictures of cakes than looking at picture of say, scaffold poles. Even if it makes you head to the kitchen for a snack!

L.C.Cakes & Bakes are based in Margate and create amazing creations of cupcakes, sugar cookies, celebration cookies and more. All the prices are on the website - something we always recommend! - and you can pick up your goodies from Margate or have them delivered locally in Thanet.

As far as the site is concerned, we look after the structure and Lou has access to update galleries which feed through to the cakes page as well as FAQs and testimonials.

The Reviews page will take a few more days as we have just set up the Google My Business page and once Google has completed the set-up we will integrate that so Lou can collect reviews; something that is a key part of Google rankings these days.

Image representing Delicious Fare at L.C.Cakes & Bakes from Broadbiz Web Services Ltd.