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Emails Pretending To Be From Fasthosts

Several clients have reports a number of scam emails relating to your domain or website. There is an example of the latest one that some clients have received below.

These are almost always scam email where someone has got hold of email addresses and sends an email out to 1000s of addresses in the hope that they get some response.

This particular one and many of those that we get is an attempt for you to pay them some money to renew your domains. In 99% percent of cases, we look after your domains and if that is the case, we will always renew these on your behalf unless you tell us otherwise.

The main thing is that if you are not sure, don't open it and certainly don't click on any link in it. If you are ever not sure always feel free to ask us.

Always feel free to drop us an email on hello@broadbiz.uk or give us a call on 01843 307060 if you are not sure.

Image representing Emails Pretending To Be From Fasthosts from Broadbiz Web Services Ltd.